Predrag Paunovic is a multidisciplinary designer working in various fields of visual communications… An artist and a hard worker at the same time, he can implement multilevel projects independently. In addition to graphic design, he does animation, photography, UI, illustration, sound and AV production. As a team creative / art director and designer, or well as an independent author, he has independently realized many reference projects in different social and industry fields, such as: food & drink industry, energy, medicine, tobacco, IT, electronics, finance, real estate, TV, culture, publishing, entertainment. He has won 20+ invitational competitions and received several international awards and recognitions. He taught for 10 years, practical classes in Graphic Design course to students of Belgrade Polytechnic. Since 2024, he is a Docent for the art field “Communication Design” at the Design Department of the Faculty of Contemporary Arts in Belgrade.


10 years of professional design education
10 years of teaching in higher education
20+ years of professional design experience
20+ invited competitions – 1st prizes and realization
20+ building identity and developing new brands
200+ realized commercial design projects


Creative / art direction
Visual identity / communication
Branding strategy / design / services
Advertisng campaigns development
Graphic design / communication
Motion graphic design
Web / interaction design


2000 – 2003    Magister of Applied Arts / Faculty of Applied Arts, Belgrade
1993 – 1997    Graduate Graphic Designer / Faculty of Arts, Pristina
1986 – 1990    Graphics Design Technician / Art School, Nis
1980 – 1985    Music Performer / Music School, Vranje


2024 – ____    Docent, Design Department / Faculty of Contemporary Arts, Belgrade
2012 – ____    Creative Art director / Creative studio, Various agencies and clients
2009 – 2018    Lecturer in practical classes / Belgrade Polytechnic College
2004 – 2009    Creative and Art director / Altius, Advertising agency
2003 – 2004    Art director and Graphic designer / Altius, Marketing agency
2000 – 2003    Graphic designer / Freelancer, Various agencies and clientss

BRANDS & CLIENTS  ( selection )

Samsung, Apple, Philips, Asus, Elektro Maribor, Dravske elektrane,
Kandit, Pomurske mlekarne, Košaki, UWE, Hofer, Milfina, Heineken,
Rotary Club, Monus, Eurosalon, Altis, Pitura, Invej, Human Rights,
Audi, Porsche MB, Renault, Domina Grand Media, Nova KBM

INVITED COMPETITIONS  ( 1st prizes & realizations )

2023     Beopanax Pharmacy, Sign, Logo, Bandbook / Beopanax, Serbia
2023     Beopanax Company, Sign, Logo, Bandbook / Beopanax, Serbia
2023     SpeakENGo!, Naming, Logo, Visual identity / Speakengo, USA
2021     Šarac, Sign, Logo, Graphic Standard / Farma Janićijević, Serbia
2014     Chip Up Poker, Sign, Logo, User interface / Mezheritsky Jr, USA
2011     Fruit yogurt, Packaging design / Pomurske mlekarne, Slovenia
2010     Monus Exclusive Series, Luxury Catalog Design / Invej AD, Serbia
2009     Energy for me!, Annual Report Design / Elektro Maribor, Slovenia
2006 - 2009     Košaki, Sign, Logo, Brandbook, Total branding / Košaki, Slovenia
2008     Energy for me!, Annual Report Design / Elektro Maribor, Slovenia
2005 - 2008     PeTV, Sign, Logo, Visual Identity, TV credits / PeTV, Slovenia
2007     Research Catalog, Sign, Logo, Identity / IRP Maribor, Slovenia
2004 - 2007     Altius, Sign, Logo, Brandbook, Total branding / Altius, Slovenia
2006     Initiate the Idea, Sign, Logo, Total branding / IRP Maribor, Slovenia
2003 - 2006     Pronutri, Sign, Logo, Total Branding / Pomurske mlekarne, Slovenia
2006     Dodoma, Sign, Logo, Brandbook, Total branding / Dodoma, Slovenia
2003 - 2005     DEM, Sign, Logo, Brandbook, Branding / Dravske Elektrane, Slovenia
2005     Kan Rings, Logo, Visual Identity, Packaging design / Kandit, Croatia
2005     Kan Pearls, Logo, Visual Identity, Packaging design / Kandit, Croatia
2001     Eurosalon Monza, Office Furniture Catalog Design / Eurosalon, Serbia


2023     Fanky, Author’s Film Music, Best Ecological Film / Vrmdza Film Festival, Serbia
2021     Classics, Author’s Film Music, Best Original Music / Vrmdza Film Festival, Serbia
2011     Equal, Logo design, Top 100 Finalists / Human Rights Logo Competition, Germany
2004     Palm Lines, Author’s Animated Film, Special award / Martovski Festival, Serbia
2000     Milkyway, Packaging design, Top 100 Finalists / Heineken Contest, Netherlands


2024     Human anatomy, University textbook Design / Dr S. Marinković, Serbia
2021     Inspired by Nature, Visual identity, Advertising campaign / Pitura, Serbia
2017     Animated Graphic Design, Subject, Curriculum / Belgrade Polytechnic
2014     Banjska, Visual identity, Advertising campaign / Office for KIM, Serbia
2014     CBT, Corporate and Advertising TV campaign / Moskomerc, Serbia
2013     Samsung days, Advertising TV commercials / Moskomerc, Serbia
2013     Protect ON, Sign, Logo, Identity, User interface / QSP Solitions, Serbia
2013     Estinena, Sign, Logotype, Stationery, Visual identity / Estinena, Serbia
2012     Čujemo se?, Visual identity, Advertising campaign / OK radio, Serbia
2010     Process, Logo, Visual dentity, Advertising TV ads / Process, Slovenia
2009     Brain function, University Textbook Design / Dr S. Marinković, Serbia
2008     Mifina Tea Butter,, Photo illustration, Packaging Design / Petlja, Slovenia
2006     Rotarian vintage, Logo, Visual identity, TV ads / Rotary club, Slovenia
2005     Fusio Gea Max, Visual identity, TV ads / Elektromaterial, Slovenia
2005     Cork 2006, Illustration, Visual dentity, TV ads / Kibla MMC, Slovenia
2004     KBM Infond, Visual identity, Advertising campaign / KBM Bank, Slovenia
2003     Fruit compote, Photo illustration, Packaging design / Petlja, Slovenia
2003     Eurosalon Exclusive, Furniture Catalog Design / Eurosalon, Serbia
2002     Eurosalon Basic, Furniture Catalog Design / Eurosalon, Serbia
2001     Philips & Varta Energy, Battery Brochure Design / Palmax, Serbia

SKILLS  ( main )

Creative / Art direction
Graphic design / communication
Motion graphic design
Web / UI design

SKILLS  ( support )

Photography / photo editing
Video editing / production
Audio design / production
Illustration, caligraphy, DTP


Design / CorelDraw, Photoshop
Photography / Photomatix, Camera Raw
Animation / Premiere, After Effects
Sound / Sond Forge, Acid Pro


Born in 1971 in Vranje, a town in the South of Yugoslavia. He grew up with quality movies, music and books. He has successfully balanced the synergy of inherited southern temperament and developed emotional intelligence. He is inspired with travelling and meeting new cultures. Currently living and working in Belgrade, with support of his family.